Vienna Zoo twin panda cubs named Fu Feng and Fu Ban at ceremony

Twin panda cubs born at Vienna's Schoenbrunn Zoo last summer were officially named Fu Feng and Fu Ban at a ceremony on Wednesday - although they were still too small to be there themselves.

The cubs were born on Aug. 7 to giant panda Yang Yang. The zoo picked the name Fu Feng for the female cub and asked animal lovers to help choose a name for the male in an online poll; they eventually came up with Fu Ban.

Zoo and other officials gathered for the naming ceremony, where billboards displaying the cubs' pictures and their names were unveiled.

The cubs have yet to make their public debut. Zoo director Dagmar Schratter said in a statement this would happen "as soon as they are both big enough".

(Reporting by Alex Schuller; Writing by Marie-Louise Gumuchian; editing by Mark Heinrich)

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