British family treated to a night in Eiffel Tower apartment

The Eiffel Tower is a must-see for many tourists visiting Paris but for one British family this week it also became their home for the night.

Michelle Stevenson won an overnight stay at the famed landmark in a contest organized by vacation rental website HomeAway in which participants were asked: "What would you do if the HomeAway Eiffel Tower apartment was all yours for a night?"

The mother of two autistic sons was among four winners treated to a night in the ephemeral luxury apartment on the structure's first floor with sweeping views of the French capital and a tour through passages closed to the public.

"It was for them really because they're fascinated by the Eiffel Tower, the structure and the lights," Stevenson said, referring to her sons. "Being autistic, I think the lights is just the big wow factor for them...It's just something that they'll never do again."

(Reporting By Reuters Television, writing by Marie-Louise Gumuchian)

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